Thus, by sticking to a synchronous model, interprocess communication can be achieved. 因此,通过采用一个同步模型,就可以实现进程间通信。
As an interprocess communication component either within a given Java runtime or across several Java and non-Java runtimes. 作为进程间通信组件,在给定的Java运行时中或几个Java和非Java运行时之间。
Ignoring inter host applications, let's look at shared memory for interprocess communication on the same host. 现在不考虑主机间应用程序通信,看看如何通过共享内存在同一主机上进行进程间通信。
You're talking about interprocess communication here, with emphasis on process. 这里讨论的主题是进程间通信,重点在进程上。
Interprocess communication using message queue 使用消息队列实现进程间通信
We illustrate how to achieve interprocess communication ( IPC) can also be achieved, using the second design pattern. 然后阐述如何使用第二种设计模式来实现进程间通信(IPC)。
You will need to use an interprocess communication ( IPC) mechanism between these two threads. 在这两个线程之间需要使用一种进程间通信(IPC)机制。
This provides a level of control over a VPS, defining how much memory is available, how many interprocess communication ( IPC) objects are available, and so on. 这为VPS提供了一定层次上的控制,定义了有多少内存可用,有多少进程间通信(IPC)对象可用等。
Table 1 below summarizes the forms of interprocess communication available on a typical UNIX system. 表1总结在典型的UNIX系统上可用的进程间通信形式。
Domain sockets include Interprocess Communication ( IPC) protocols. 域套接字包含进程间通信(IPC)协议。
System classes encapsulate technical features, such as your approach to interprocess communication ( IPC) or error logging. 系统类封装技术功能,例如进程间通信或者记录错误日志的方法。
The simplest mechanism for interprocess communication is reading and writing data across channels. 进程间通信最简单的机制就是通过通道读写数据。
The shared memory is used to implement an interprocess communication media. 共享内存用于实现进程间通信媒介。
It's also important to use network rather than interprocess communication. 使用网络而不是进程间通信也是很重要的。
UNIX provides a number of technologies for such interprocess communication. UNIX为实现这样的进程间通信提供了多种技术。
For most programmers, interprocess communication ( IPC) is synonymous with using the Socket API. 对于大多数程序员而言,进程间通信(IPC)就等于使用SocketAPI。
Now, let's explore another popular mechanism for interprocess communication: the message queue. 现在,研究另一种流行的进程间通信机制:消息队列。
Interprocess communications: Learn more about how shared memory and other forms of interprocess communication are implemented. 进程间通信:进一步了解共享内存和其他进程间通信形式是如何实现的。
Model Checking Research for LINUX Kernel Interprocess Communication LINUX内核进程间通信的模型检测研究
Research and Development of Interprocess Communication Technology of Distributed System 分布式系统的进程间通信技术的研究和开发
Design of Message-based Interprocess Communication Method for Embedded Systems 一种面向嵌入式系统的进程间消息信方法的设计
Research and implementation of interprocess communication mechanism in the multiprocessor system 多处理机系统中进程通讯机制的研究和实现
Interprocess communication is not allowed. This includes pipes, semaphores, and shared memory. 进程内通讯不可以。这包括管道,信号,和共享内存。
This method provides the disconnection tolerance for interprocess communication. 采用这种方法,可以为分布在网络上不同主机上的进程间通信提供具有故障恢复能力的可靠通信。
Interprocess Communication is the core feature of Distributed System. 进程间通信是所有分布式系统的核心功能。
Interprocess Communication ( IPC) is an essential function for an operating system. 对于操作系统来说,进程间通信(IPC)是它必不可少的功能。
A technology for managing an integrated real-time resource and a real-time server was proposed. It managed interprocess communication and synchronization mechanisms effectively. 提出一种集成的实时资源管理和实时服务器技术,它对进程间通信和同步机制进行有效地管理;
Remote Pocedure Call ( RPC) is a popular paradigm for interprocess communication between processes in distributed systems. 在分布式计算系统中,远程过程调用RPC是种流行的进程间通信机制。
It narrated system design, network structure, software architecture, network information collection, monitor, control, interprocess communication technique, SNMP technique and offered an example. 论述了系统设计、网络构成、软件体系结构、网络信息采集、监测、控制管理、进程间通信技术、SNMP技术,并提供了一个研究实例。
The programming on serial ports, socket, and interprocess communication in Linux is also presented. 同时详细阐述了Linux下的串口编程,网络编程和进程间通信的实现方法。